Listed Building Planning

The listing of buildings not only protects the building itself but also its surrounding, known as the ‘setting’. The protection afforded to these buildings is because they are considered to be important locally and nationally. This being the case, any planning approval to change, enhance, adjust a listed building has many hurdles to jump. The particular case shown within the portfolio is Felix Hall, Kelvedon, Essex, what can be seen from the photographs is a dilapidated and damaged listed building. The remnants of a substantial and vast country dwelling. When Felix Hall came up for sale the building had suffered many years of damage. In the 1930’s a huge fire had decimated the building with the roof and floors collapsing for a while 2 residential flats were created within the ground floor and basement. Working very closely with the owner, a renowned specialist in recovering large listed buildings alongside the architects and with great help from the local planning authority we were able to secure planning approval for the renovation of the main dwelling along with a separated new dwelling within the parkland that is reminiscent of a walled garden.

Felix Hall Before


Felix Hall Approved Plans

felix hall approved plans 2
felix hall approved plans 1